--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALLAHAN'S CROSSTIME SALOON Walkthrough by Crash --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You play as Jake Stonebender, the local pub singer. You have 6 mini quest in this crazy, funny, and mindbending game in order to complete the grand quest. You can do the mini quest in order you like. So, before wasting anymore times, here is the walkthrough. DON'T READ THIS if you want to have lots of fun with this game, 'cuz I only explain the main thing. You can try several things like look at everything, talk to everyone, and try different action for having fun. Are you ready for a looooong journey now ???? TABLE OF CONTENTS : * Prologue * Pyotr : The Broken Hearted Vampire * Chocolate Heroes * Squish's Satellite * Al Phee : Back to The Futute * Ralph von Wau-Wau : Government Conspiracy * The Biker : The Final Quest --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- PROLOGUE ----------------- a. What are the answers of the riddles ? 1. Cross + be + steel + ??? + and + young = CROSBY STILL NASH AND YOUNG 2. Fleet + wood + mac = FLEETWOOD MAC 3. Soup + oar + tramp = SUPERTRAMP 4. Arrows + myth = AEROSMITH 5. Grate + full + dead = GRATEFULL DEAD 6. Row + lynx + tones = ROLLING STONES 7. Led + zip + line = LED ZEPELIN 8. Right + chess + broth + ??? = RIGHTEOUS BROTHER 9. Part + rich + female + E = PARTRIDGE FAMILY 10. Roll + stones = ROLLING STONES ( again !!!!! ) b. What should I do next ? * Talk to Mike Callahan. * Find out about Pyotr. Pyotr has a big problem with a woman and he decided to end his life ( huh ???!! ). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PYOTR : THE BROKEN HEARTED VAMPIRE ( ROMANIA ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You search for Pyotr and help him to solve his problem. His heart is badly hurt and you've to find his ex-lover Sasha before Pyotr makes a suicide. a. Where can I find Pyotr ? * Use your truck outside to go to Pyotr's house. b. There's nobody home. What now ? * Have you tried to call him ??? * Pick up the antena on your truck. * Talk to the mover. Look at his van's plate above him. * Push the ram and look at the bum sticker. Notice the phone number. * Open the window with the phone behind it several times until it opens. * Use the hanger to grab the phone. Use it and call the company. * Report the mover. Now wait until the beeper call the mover. * Then quickly, look at the trunk with bolts on it. Pull the bolt, open the trunk, and get in. That's our transportation to Romania. c. Where is Pyotr ? * Talk to the butler. * Talk to the cart driver. Go to town * Talk to the bouncer in front of Casimir's place * He is inside Casimir's place d. How can I get cursed ? * Ask about that to the bouncer * Ask again about Gypsi woman * Ask your driver to go there * Tell the gypsi woman that you are a werewolf e. What are the ingredients to get cursed ? * You must have 4 things : wolfbane plant, silver coin, money, and pentagram tattoo f. Where can I find wolfbane plant ? * Try the local hang out, Starbucharest * Pick up the plant from the counter g. Where can I get the silver coin ? * Dracula must keep this out from public * Have you check it in Pyotr's belongings ? * Open the wooden box on the right side of the grand staircase at Pyotr's house * Get the silver palm coins h. Help I forgot to bring my American Express, my money is not worthy at all !! * What's the easiest job in town ?? Yes ... beggar * Check Pyotr's belongings * Pick up the headless box, the book of magic and the spirit slates on the left debris of the butler * Visit Starbucharest * Get the yellow chalk below the blackboard. * Read the magic book. Learn about the headless box trick. * Write the spirit slates with the yellow chalk. Choose : "Help I have no head" * Then find the barrel near the beggar. * Sit next to it. Wear the headless box. Open it. * And .... everybody gives you some banis. Nice trick !!!! i. Where can I get my tattoo ? * Enter the Wereworth. * Buy the tattoo, Choose : the pentagram j. Pyotr won't go out with me. What should I do ? * Talk to Casimir. Ask about Pyotr's problem * Ask the butler advice on how to attract Pyotr's attention * Get the music box on the left side of the fireplace * Notice that dumbwaiter behind the counter !!! Here is Dr. Frankenstein ... * Load the dumbwaiter with the music box and watch the Frankenstein things .... IT'S ALIVE ( I mean the music box ) * Play it on the B17 track ( Yup, the one that Pyotr really hates ) * Bring him to Sasha in Starbucharest k. How can I get Sasha's curse mark ? * Talk to the Gypsi woman about anticursulant * Buy the wax lips on the counter at Wereworth * Go back to Sasha. This time order the second bin from the clerk ( the one with boiled coffee at 500 degree ) * While it's hot, dip your wax lips in it * Wear the lips and kiss Sasha ( Hey, her sign is on the lips ) l. Where can I get the mako root ? * Talk to the ugly big reptile monsters who play cards in Casimir's * See !! He's holding the mako root drink * OH NOOO ......, not that riddle game again * Here is the answer : o Bell + aloe + cozy = Bela Lugosi o Lawn + chain + knee + junior = Lon Chaney Jr. o Porous + karl + off = Boris Karloff o Grist + offer + lee = Christopher Lee o Scar + els + law + ton = Charles Laughton o Else + a + lank + ester = Elsa Lanchester o Peat + dirk + cush + sink = Peter Cushing o Piss + earl + hoary = Peter Lorre o Fin + cent + price = Vincent Price o Fey + ray = Fay Wray * Or ... just look at the model kit in Wereworth for several times. All the names you needed are there. They are the past horror's actor. m. Where can I get tarna tea ? * Check out the local store * Visit the Wereworth. Buy the tarna tea on the bottom right shelves of Vermin the dinosaur * Open it 3 times until you have the powder n. How can I get the tears from someone that couldn't cry no more ??? * Just like Mission Impossible isn't it ? * Go to Sasha's house * Talk to her and discover that she's allergic to fur * Get the brush from the bathroom * Go to Casimir's place * Rub the brush on the werewolf * Go back to Sasha's house * Sit on the couch where she was before * Ouchhh .... what's this ??? A small key * Unlock the drawer on the wooden desk * Get the vial of tears. o. How can I serve the anticursulant to Sasha ? * What's the favourite drink for dracula ??? You got it, BLOOD * Drink the tears, then offer your blood to her p. How can I help Pyotr to defeat Siv ? * Get the steak bone on the floor * Give it to Sasha * Smack ..... she burries it in Siv's chest * Now we'll watch happy ending..... NOT !!!! Back to TOP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHOCOLATE'S HEROES ( MANHATTAN AND BRAZILIA ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With Josie, you have to fight Mr. Kiscolon to defend the rare chocolate tree in Brazilian forest from its destruction. a. What now ? * At Callahan's, talk to Josie * Listen to her opinion about the chocolate liberation !!! * Agree to help her b. How can I meet Mr. Kiscolon ? * Enter the building with the rolling door ( behind the policewoman ) * Talk to the secretary about his habit * Get the bamboo pole from under the tree * Use it to open the air vent * The sound of the chatter spread around the building now * There he is, the Kiscolon guy c. How can I get the plane ticket ? * Let's have some coffee !!! * See that stove. Turn it on * Get the coffee pot * Pour it on the tree * Put back the empty pot on the stove * Wait for a moment until the smell of burned coffee spread around the room * Get the plane ticket on the message board d. Where can I get the passport ? * Try the black market * Get the job application form on the filing cabinet at the office * Fill it out with the pencil * Enter the employees recruitment room * Receive your photo there * Go down to the street * But the pretzel * Talk to the merchant. Ask him to make your fake ID, choose passport e. How can I go to Brazilia ? * Talk to the limo's driver * Show him the ticket and the passport * Fly away to Brazilia f. How can I defeat Guzman, the pilot ? * Let's kick his butt !!! * Get the wrench and the naval jelly from the open crate * Operate that call button ( the one with a picture of human on it ). * Ask him to open the door, 'cuz it's too hot in here ???!!!! * Use the naval jelly to loosen the handle beside the door * Use the wrench to unscrew the handle nuts * Operate the call button again * Ask Guzman to close the door * Hit his hand with the wrench. Bye .. bye Guzman !!! g. Where can I get the map of the forest ? * Look at the cockpit * Open the glove box on the right side. Get the medicine kit * Open it. Inside you'll find bottle of morphine, a gauze, and a matches * Get out from the plane * Put the pin in the morphine bottle * Insert the "sleeping dart" in the bamboo pole * Aim the shoot to Alanis in the shack. Nighty night !!!! * Get the map and the nut cracker h. Where can I find that cacao trees ? * Read the map * Walk through the jungle on the right side of the shack * Continue yourjourney to the ruin * Look on the top of the temple * Remove the vines, you'll see a pedestal in front of the door * Approach the pedestal. Solve the puzzle. It's easy, just try and error if you can't think of that * Anyway, after you've solved the puzzle, the temple door will be opened * Behind the blocked entrance, grows the cacao trees i. How can I move that fallen tree ? * Use the right tools * There's a parachute pack behind the monkey in the forest * Search it and get the walkie talkie * Go back to the shack * Tune your walkie talkie to C5 and talk with it "Hallo .... Alanis here, there's a problem with my whiskey". * Search the jeep. You'll have tire iron and the jeep jack * Use the jeep jack on the tree * Use the tire iron to operate it j. Where can I make the chocolate ? * In the temple there's a statue of Qwztachocolic * Insert the gold stones in its eyes * Enter the secret chamber * You can make the chocolate in the firepit k. How can I wash the cacao beans ? * See the well near the cacao trees ??? There's water inside * Go back to the airplane * Open the crates with the tire iron * Take the cable from on of the crates ( I think the fourth one ). * Take the cauldron inside the secret chamber * Tie the cable with the cauldron * Use it to take the water from the well * Wash the beans with the water * Empty the dirty water from the cauldron l. Where can I find the sweetener for the chocolate ? * Look at the thicket in the forest * Get the sugar cane m. How can I make the chocolate ? * Read the hieroglyph in the secret chamber * Get the branch from the fallen tree * Put the branch on the firepit * Light it with the lighter * Get the bellow on the floor. Repair it with the gauze * Use the bellow to make the fire brighter * Put the cauldron with clean beans on the tripod * When they're cooked up, use the nutcracker to get the nibs from the beans * Put the nibs on the stonebars ( the door to the chamber ) * Take out the gold stone from the eyes. That will raise the bar and crush the nibs * Re-insert the gold stones. Take the ground nibs * Put the nibs back to the cauldron. Add a sugar cane in it * Cooked it again * Then .. put the melted chocolate in the medical box to shape it * Then empty the medical box. Yup... this is a nice chocolate n. What should I do to convince Mr. Kiscolon ? * Get out from temple * Give the chocolate to Mr. Kiscolon Back to TOP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- SQUISH'S SATTELITE ---------------------------------- Help mankind to destroy the satellite that beam out the signal of anti testosteron to the earth. Imagine a man without testosteron hormone !!!! a. Seems no task for me now. What should I do ? * Talk to Squish * Ask him why he come to earth * Offer him a help b. Where is Squish's spaceship ? * Go out from Callahan's * Use the key from Squish c. How can I operate the ship ? * Learn about this buttons on the control panel in front of you [Image] * Push button "1" to fly your ship * Push button "10" to reveal the map on "Y" * Push button "12" to set the destination ( keep on pushing until there's a satellite picture in screen Y ) * Push button "3" to set the speed on boxes "X" ( keep on pushing until button "13" lit up ) * Push button "13" to go to the destination * Buttons "7" and "8" is for offense/defense d. Help, I can't get across the gas corridor !!! There's a leak in my suit. * Open the cabinet to get the glove * Open the locker to get EVA suit and helmet * Search the EVA suit to get the tube and contact lens box * Get the fake palm leaf from the sushi box that is lying near the garbage * Now you have one four-armed suit an a pair of gloves .... you need another pair of gloves to close the arm holes * Find the "somethingorother" panel. It's on the left side of the hatch in the cockpit, near the 3 monitors. It's somekind of duplicating machine. Insert the gloves in the machine * Now wear the suit, helmet and the two pairs of gloves * Cross the gas corridor * Don't forget about Noah. Send back the suit with the conveyor belt e. How can I fool that maintenance robot ? * Disguise as Squish * Open the putty tube and apply the contents to you, wear the fake palm leaf, EVA suit, gloves, refreshner, and the contact lense * Talk to Noah to stand behind you and hold the other 2 arm f. How can I navigate through this anti gravity environment ? * Use manouver skill * Push the bumper to the opposite direction whre you want to go g. How can I turn off the satellite ? * First enter the room with symbol like "8" in front of it. This is the main control room * There are 3 control panel in this room * The middle contains gravity and laser button ( glows red ), the righ panel is the door control panel, and the left panel is the communication control panel. * Go to middle panel. Turn all off * Go to right panel. Open all the chambers inside ( until there's a symbol "-" in front of the each doors ) * Exit the chamber and enter the chamber with symbol "t" on the door * Open the 3 compartments in front of you. Get the weapon, boots and tools * Exit the chamber and enter the chamber with symbol like wave with number above it * Ask Noah to deactivate the satellite and give him the tool h. How long should I wait Noah ? * Not too long if you do the trick * Back to main control room. Look at the right panel. Open the room with symbol "t" on it ( until there's a symbol "=" in front of the room ) * Back to Noah, the maintenance robot should be there right now i. How can I help Noah ? * Distract the robot * Shoot the bulkhead with the laser gun j. How can I fleet from Mutha ship ? * In the main control room, look at the left panel * Hail the ship with the frequency signal button * Quickly go back to Squish's ship * Open your helmet, push the button "5" to ready your ship * Push button "12" to set your destination to Callahan * Push button "8" and "7" to raise your hield up * Push button "3" to increase your speed to maximum "TTT" * Push button "13" to go away from Mutha ship Back to TOP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- AL PHEE : BACK TO THE FUTURE ---------------------------------------------------- Help Al Phee to find the antidote of the psychic pills. Fight againts Dr. Cyrus Duplicidus in the year of 2020. a. How can I drive the timesled machine on the roof ? * Get the combination from Al Phee. Drug him first * Talk to Mike Callahan about Mickey Finn beverage * Give him the morphine and ask him to make one * Search Al Phee for the combination * Read the paper : CIVIC = 1001511000 * Enter the number on timesled panel b. Who is this Dr. Duplicidus ? How can I reach him ? * Talk around a little bit * Ratzass will offer you a help to find Dr. Duplicidus if you get him his kidney ( he'll give you combination numbers ) * Then use the elevator with numbers pad beside it, in the Underworld c. How can I get the kidney from the fridge ? * Only member can enter the lounge, so SIGN in * Talk to the receptionist for it * Bring all the requirements to her d. Where can I get the tattoo ? * There's a tattoo parlor nearby * Collect money first * Look at that glazier, steal his glass cutter from his waist * Pick up the marker on the street * Return both of them to him and received the money as a reward * Enter the tattoo parlor and buy the tattoo e. Where can I get my harrasment paper signed ? * Read the bulletin board inside the Underworld building. Notice the name Perry Yais, the cooker * Visit the restaurant * Talk to Maitre D. * Ask the punk near park for the stink bomb * Enter the tattoo parlor and get the needle from the waste bin * Use the needle to unlock the ice cream padlock * Talk to the ice cream man and buy the ice * Give the ice to the punk and receive the stink bomb * Use the bomb to the visitor of the restaurant * Talk to Perry Yais, and he teachs you how to harras people and signs the paper f. How can I make the pony tail ? * Find yourself a rubberband for your long hair * Pick up the rubberband on the receptionist desk * Use it on your hair g. Where can I find the sponsor for me ? * Get the sponsorship card on the receptionist desk * Bring it to the old lady in the park * Ask her to sign it * Note : you can ask the big man in the park to sign the card, but the Underworld will not accept it h. Where can I find the sunglasses ? * Get the cutter from the pavement near the glazier ( it's in front of his foot ) * Get the tinting on the pavement near him * Use the cutter to shape the tinting * Look at the statue in the park, it wears glasses * Get the glasses and dissamble it * Apply the tinting on the lense * Put back the lense in * Wear it i. How can I take the kidney without make the thug getting suspicious ? * Find something to replace it * Read the menu at the restaurant, hmm.. special food : Kidney !!!! * Talk to Maitre D. to give you some food * Choose the Kidney menu * Open the fridge and take the kidney * Use the kidney to replace the one in the fridge j. How can I open that bio-chamber ? * Use the beanie to hypnotize Cecil, the assistant * Ask him to stand quietly * Access the bio-chamber control panel * Push the button from left to right : 2 1 3 4 k. Where's the antidote ? * Slide the blackboard behind experiment #3 to the right * Read the message about P3 * Ask Dr. Duplicidus about that * Make a deal with him * In the operation room, show him your old photo Back to TOP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RALPH VON WAU-WAU : THE GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help your friend to find his dog, Ralph von Wau-wau who has been kidnapped by some military soldier. They want to make an experiment with him. Hmmm.... let's rock 'n' roll with the government. a. How can I get pass the electric fence ? * Get the knapsack from the truck and open it ( inside you have all the equipments you needed in this mission ) * Ask Joe to distract the guard in the guardhouse * Enter the guard house * Open the screw on the control panel with your jack knife * Remove the control panel * Rotate all the line ( there're 3 lines in there : green, red, and the switches ) * Change the red light with the green light line * Close the control panel * Put back the screw * Flip all the switches now * Get out * Cut the electric fence with the wire cutter b. How can I enter the facilities ? * Have you watched espionage movies lately ??? * Through the "usual" entry, the air duct * Get the tarp * Turn the winch * Attach the tarp on the clamp * Use the suction cups with the entrance, you'll climb up to the vent * Use the tire iron to open the vent c. Where is Ralph ? * Use this map to go there [Image] * Blow the whistle to detect his place * Turn off all the fans in the way so Ralph can hear you * Wear the goggles to see in the dark d. How can I distract the guard in the Ralph's cell ? * Do something to make them "HOT" * Turn off all the fans in the maze ( look at the map to help you in locating them ) * Open the grate * Use the grapling hook to go down to Ralph e. How can I get out from this interrogation room ? * Use the old technique * Jiggle the lock on the door with your license * Get the uniform on the table * Wear it * Open the door and get out f. Where's the other dog ? * Use your sniff skill on the door * Notice that small door above the stair beside the main entrance * Sniff the door at the end of the stair * Ralph will recognize the smell of the other dog g. How can I get out from this place ? * Search your uniform to get a small key * Use it to unlock the desk drawer in the interrogation room * Read the note about password * Use the phone near the door * Enter this password : GMOUGN then MOAN Back to TOP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- THE BIKER : FINAL QUEST ----------------------------------------- In this final quest, you're trying to save the destruction of the universe. You'll meet the board in the God's meeting room and give a good reason to cancel the termination. a. Where's Parabolus, the biker, now ? * Get the crystal bottle on the bar * Pour its content to your glass * Cheer and drink the beer * Talk to everybody about the biker * Step out from the bar * Climb the steps and enter the hall * Look at each of 8 available doors then knock on with this order : Mime Other Says Toothpick Thieve Airy Best Won ( Pyotr will say this phrase if you fail to solve this in a long time ) * Enter the open door to his office b. What should I do in court ? * As a token of friendship, show whistle to the board member * As a token of sacrifice, show chocolate to the board member c. How can I defeat Gingranich ? * Take the notepad from his desk * Rub the notepad with the pencil to reveal the writing on it * Go back to Parabolus' office * Open the briefcase and notice the fraud * Use the computer * Enter password : Schott to enter Gingranich files * Choose the user maintenance file and change the password to anything you like * Make new transaction and sell the humor share from Flutwig * Enter password : Glinda to enter Parabolus' files * Choose the maintenance file and change the password to anything you like * Make new transaction, buy humor share for Raymond * Report this fraud to the Board member * Watch the ending Back to TOP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright @ 1997, CRASH Thanx goes to Sherrie and Werner Puntz for submitting the hints for me.